The proof is in performance.
Our team is experienced and brings a unique approach to rangeland management. What really sets us apart, however, is the ecological and financial performance that we bring to private and public lands.
To see some of the work we’ve accomplished, take a look at one of our case studies. Have questions or want to bring this type of stewardship to your land? Connect with our team.
Click and drag to see before and after images of our work
Madison River
Grazing management had occurred on this stream system through a set-stocking strategy for roughly 75 years before a change to shorter durations resulted in a strong improvement in riparian condition. The above photos, taken on the Madison River, a premier Montana fishery, show how plants revegetated formerly exposed banks, and erosion has been eliminated.
White River Habitat Partnership Program
Working with this collaborative organization, we have helped improve habitat for migrating elk and mule deer since 2009. Prior to the project’s implementation, excessive shrub growth resulted in minimal foraging opportunities for big game, but our work has helped these animals find needed forage on their annual migration routes.
Click and drag to see before and after images of our work
Ucross Ranch
The Ucross Ranch is a model for ecologically sound ranching practices. On this 21,000-acre Wyoming Ranch, rangeland health has improved dramatically, once ephemeral streams now run perennially, and wildlife habitat is more diverse and productive. Much of this was accomplished through changes in grazing management. Ucross has won multiple awards for its long-term stewardship. The above photo shows a pasture in 2002 and again in 2010. No irrigating, seeding, or fertilizing occurred here. This improvement in vegetative productivity occurred only through improved grazing management.
This graph depicts the number of stock days animals were able to graze on the land at Ucross Ranch between 2002 and 2019. Our work helped improve land health, resulting in a >450% increase in less than two decades.
Read more about Ucross Ranch’s resiliency work and natural resource stewardship.
“Working in partnership with Todd and his staff, we’ve been able to find the sweet spot between conservation and ranching in Utah and Colorado. Their forward thinking, creative approaches and willingness to work together in sometimes unlikely partnerships to do unconventional work that brings ranches into a better relationship with the surrounding ecosystem and create an agriculture-wildlife-environmental interface that’s functional is critical to the future of farming and ranching in the West.”